Friday, 3 July 2009

Last day in Cambridge...

Well my friends, I am sitting in my room on my last day. My bags are packed, for the most part. I am waiting on Alan, Tiffany and McKara to get ready so we can spend our last night here out at a salsa club.

Today was bitter sweet for me and for a lot of us here on the trip. For me, I was sad to leave my students. So many of them took the time to make me cards, pictures and create art to let me know how much they were going to miss me. So I decided to write out a Thank You card to each and every one of them. It wasn't the ordinary "You're a great student" cards, but it was cards that I wrote from the heart that included specific events related to that one student. I figured that any generic Thank You card would most likely end up in the circular file next week, but if I took the time to hand write each student a personal message, specific to our relationship during my stay, they may appreciate it more. I think it worked out great since I had several parents come in to say goodbye to me after school and tell me how great it was that I handwritten a personal message for each student.

During our afternoon assembly, which was wonderfully put together by my fellow USF colleague Mechelle, the students of each of our classes presented us with large cards that they created to thank us for our time there. It was very sweet and I was very surprised by them recognizing us in front of the whole school.

Throughout the morning I had the opportunity to show my class some American Football with the football I brought over from the US. They really enjoyed it, even though I only taught them how to throw, catch and run a passing route. It was so popular, other teachers brought their children out to learn how to play! Some of the other teachers even joined in, which was wonderful!

During my last week I had my final observation in which my professor concluded that I did very well and didn't even have to talk to me about anything besides saying good job. I taught a lot this past week including a lesson about Winston Churchill and Florence Nightingale to complete my series on People of Faith, Courage and Commitment. I also taught the students about electrical circuits, rivers and some other geography.

I am very excited to see my family in Pennsylvania tomorrow, including Megan who has been there since Thursday. While I was at school I was wishing that it wasn't over already, but as soon as I got back to my room at the house I had the sudden feeling of anxiousness to just get home. I loved being here, but I think that 4 weeks is long enough to live here.

I made sure to get a lot of pictures this past week, including my classroom and my students for my own personal records. I feel like I learned a ton of beneficial practices during my time and I hope I can incorporate them into my class this fall. By the way, I found out that I will be teaching 3rd Grade at Shaw Elementary (off of Fowler Ave in Tampa). I am excited to get my fall assignment, which just happens to be very close to my apartment!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my experience here and I am sure I will update this blog with more stories and experiences as I remember them during the next few weeks. But for now, I have to go enjoy my last night experiencing some more things that will eventually amuse you instead of typing about memories that I can write about when I get back to the states!


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